
Why is the Sky Blue? Or Better Yet, Why is the Ocean Blue?

Why is the sky blue? It’s a mystery that’s eluding scientists for years, but there are several theories. One is that the color of the ocean is a reflection of the light that hits it. The surface of the ocean reflects very little light. Deeper in the ocean, however, the water is much darker than the sky. This is because it absorbs most of the light it does get, and it scatters it in different ways.

The sky’s colour is not caused by the atmosphere absorbing other colors. It actually is caused by the atmosphere scattering shorter wavelengths of light like blue. This scattering results in the appearance of blue skies. The amount of scattering depends on the frequency of the light. The shorter the wavelength, the more it will be reflected from the surrounding objects. And this is a great way to explain the color of the ocean.

Another theory is that the ocean and sky are blue because the atmosphere absorbs light of different colors. Although this is true, the colour of the sky and ocean is the result of the scattering of long-wavelength reddish light. But this theory can only be applied to pure water because sunlight scatters light off impurities. Moreover, since the Earth’s atmosphere is relatively transparent, this effect means that the ocean is more blue than the sky.

Unlike the ocean, the sky is blue not because the atmosphere absorbs blue light. It is blue because the atmosphere scatters longer wavelengths of light more efficiently than long-wavelength red and green light. This explains why the color of the ocean is so blue, and why it is a reflection of the sky. When sunlight hits the ocean, the water molecule absorbs the longer wavelengths of light and reflects the shorter ones back to the eye.

The answer is not that the atmosphere absorbs other colors. It scatters blue light more than red light. It is because the wavelengths of the two light are dispersed differently. As a result, we can see the ocean and the sky in both blue and red light. Whether we are inside or outside, the sun and the planet are the main source of all light.

The color of the sky is caused by the way sunlight is absorbed by the atmosphere. Direct sunlight is absorbed by the atmosphere, which makes it red. Then, indirect sunlight, which is 80% blue, is redirected toward our eyes through the atmosphere. The rest of the sky is illuminated by indirect sunlight. But how is it different from direct light? There are a couple of reasons for this.

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